This game is based on the warriors fighting goreans, available multi-player mode and single player campaign.
Our story is set in a fantasy world where our goreano hero must save its women who have been captured in a RAID in the village of piana. In the world goreano women are treated as slaves and then bargaining chip. Our hero Gets a pact with the jailer of the girls and will have to tackle a host of wrestlers to free them. The deal includes a clause that if he lost and had not killed any of its protected should die, the fighting will continue until the death of all on 3 girls or the death of the warrior hero.
Multi game mode allows the clash between players, this game is available for all platforms Windows Phone, Windows DeskTop, Windows Tablet Surface. With a data network (lan) is you can challenge a friend two barbarians fighting simultaneously in the same ring, if one of two players to win will be assigned a score and repeat the fights you"ll discover which of the players is the best.
This software is suitable for audiences of 16 years or above, contains scenes of blood and violence and also contains scenes not suitable for underage audiences.