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We produce Software for Personal computers, mobile devices, platform, The Web.


My work has always been the realization of the dreams of others.
Thanks to the advent of the first integrated microprocessors have opened doors that had not even thought to exist.
Since the tender age of 9 Years and the far 1979 science fiction that the saga of 'Star Trek' I brought home a futuristic vision of a world of computers and new technologies that always fascinated me year leading me shortly after discovering my first Self-designed the mythical ' ZX81 ' with its simple microprocessor and a only 1KByte of memory made me know the art of programming.
This piattaforms based on a 'Z80 microprocessor' although very old-fashioned views through the eyes of today was actually a good launch pad for my future career, later in the story I found myself doing programs with the 'Zx-Spectrum 48', that unlike the first had the first well 16 colors, the first audio synthesizer and ben 48KByte memory.
At that time nobody knew yet what it was well a computer and of course I was taken as a spece of guru in the field and for the truth at that age was very rewarding and a small Citadel as 'Sassuolo' was easy to get to know and here I had the chances to run my first real program under paid Commission, after this small post he was nothing but a stopwatch to measure the time thanks to a couple of related proximity sensors Kempston joystick 'port', I realized that it was possible to put small projects designed by ordinary people in computer software.
Years pass and how technology has taught us evolution is relentless and you begin to see the first series ' MC68000 microprocessor, a gorgeous microprocessor that created the 'Amiga 1000' computer and 'Machintoch 64k' that it is proud to be working with again inside the signature of all his realizatori.
Here begins my way with the 'Amiga 500' that I am still a magical machine due to its characteristics that make it unique at a price accessible to the masses, among the most successful projects put in first place the program for the first intelligent management of orders a beer called 'Slobodan' that charged me to design and build a program that could take orders at the table thanks to a ballpoint pen to codes bars, today obviously there are commonly almost everywhere but at the time was a new thing and the method of construction was unique in its kind, which thanks to a hardware system that integrates multiple reading pens Cordless BarCode had the task of ordering ridiriggere in the right areas and up here the whole set except that all this worked with an Amiga 500 placed above a refrigerator and the operator had to only turn on a key to activate the system that featured a first entry sintitizata and thanks to a system of keys obtained from Joystick Port allowed operators to have even a vocal and Visual support allowing operators to perform their jobs more quickly.
Time passes and what were the first Terminals become Professional Computer commonly called 'PC' and here begins the story has yet to be concluded.
Now as a software program for time realizando dreams of people designing and using all that technology provides and if you have an idea you'd like to see in House then contact the free advice and if your idea is feasible, and you're interested in spending a little money for realizarla, well let's do it!

By 2014 SpiderSoft di Gasparin Daaniel.